
DR Levy

45 € 91 €
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Dr Levy Pollution Shield 5PF 30ml
Bez kastītes ,bet tā neatverts ,nelietots.
Harnessing a Nobel Prize-winning discovery – that ageing is reversible – Dr. Levy’s skin care is phenomenal; proven to revitalise the dermal stem cells that create essential collagen for smoother, firmer, stronger skin. Now turning his talents to the realm of pollution protection — alike to UV rays, pollution can cause damage to skin — the Pollution Shield 5PF is the world's first all-in-one, full-spectrum pollution screen proven to fight against the five key pollutions: urban dust and microscopic particles; indoor volatile chemicals; atmospheric gases; infrared rays and finally, blue light from screens.Expect less visible fine lines and firmer, more supple skin.

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