Perliukų medžioklė

The Women's Health Big Book of Yoga

10 € 25 €
Prisijunk, kad pamatytum daugiau informacijos arba pateiktum paraišką dėl Perliuko!
Būklė Naudota, puikios būklės
Kalba Anglų
Pridėta kovo 17 d., 14:5014
Prisijunk, kad pamatytum daugiau informacijos arba pateiktum paraišką dėl Perliuko!

Kathryn Budig “The Women's Health Big Book of Yoga: The Essential Guide to Complete Mind/Body Fitness”.

Lielā jogas grāmata - ar 231 pozu un 42 secībām. Ķermenim, prātam un garam.

Grāmata ir saudzīgi lasīta, tā ir lieliskā stāvoklī, vienīgi ir mazliet atlocījies augšējais stūrītis pirmajām lappusēm. Mīkstie vāki, 408 lpp.

“THE Women'sHealth BIG BOOK OF YOGA is designed for beginners and longtime devotees alike. It's the essential guide for anyone looking to mellow their mind and get a sleek, sculpted body. Yoga can be an incredibl total-body workout-burning up to 400 calories in an irtense, 90-minute session (roughly the same as 40 minutes of moderate running!). It's al a proven stress-reliever and energy-booster. Packed with postures and sequences that tone and lengthen, this definitive manual also ci breathing and meditation techniques, advice on finding the right styie of yoga, and even a nutrition plan centered around clean, calming focus.”

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